1 definition by Pinkie_high

1. That obligatory thing you have to do so your s/o know you still love them.

Athena: hey you coming out tonight?
Toni: nah I can’t

Athena: lame
Toni: gotta spend time with the hubs. Paying that spousal fee 🙄

Athena: cant you just suck his dick and call it good? Find a way!
Toni: he’d need like 4 so no

Gf posts pic on insta
Me: better comment so she don’t flip (aka spousal fee)

2. When you get downgraded because you in trouble

Example: had plans to eat at In ‘n Out but I pissed him off so now we at McDonald’s.
“Spousal fee is gonna be high if we tryna hit up Amsterdam this weekend.”
by Pinkie_high October 1, 2018
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