4 definitions by Phiscally hazardous

Feed and water him hourly (or he might possibly eat you) and buy a huge cage just in case.

Let him out about 10 times a day he often urinates.

And he a ZambieSo try to not get bit by him(kisses are fine).
And he like chips,ice cream,pizza,money,cake,cookies,and junk food.
He mostly eats ramen
I got the Alex and he stole all my money
by Phiscally hazardous October 13, 2017
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A drug that makes start seeing rainbows and ponies. And then start dabbing and you car to 50 running over pedestrians and make making weird noises. Then cops come over there and say how high are you and you will say no it hi how are you. Then you the cops beat you down and send you to jail and then you raped by a leprechaun
Wanna do some dab
by Phiscally hazardous October 13, 2017
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