1 definition by PhantomCraftz

Besides being intoxicated with poison, also an extremely selfish, ignorant, self absorbed asshole who likes to go around claiming themselves as the greatest in existence, but then claims popular internet stars as untalented maggots, most likely in an act of jealousy or as a way of seeking attention to feed their extremely large ego, and also rants on about how stupid famous people are, and claims to be "normal" but is really just a hater who screams about how godly they are and how shitty everyone else is who doesn't see things their way and is really just an egotistical douchebag. This is most likely done due to low self esteem or as a vein attempt to destroy the fanbases of youtube celebrities with full knowledge that what they say will not even slightly affect said fanbases, and says them anyway just so people might give them attention.
Omnipotence: Pewdiepie is a pussy who can't take criticism, but really I'm the pussy who can't take criticism because I sit behind a computer all day and rage, hate, and bitch about how terrible he is and how great I am and wouldn't say most of this to someone's face!
by PhantomCraftz February 14, 2014
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