1 definition by Pen Pal

A town full of many cliques. Most are from rich white families, though not all. And just like every other town some kids have it easier than others. Though I would have to say one must be very ignorant to believe that all of them have an easy life. They have a very good educational system, with many smart people in the town. It is a town in which one could find pot heads, coke head, and many other heads. It is a very liberal town, with a very accepting community. Though some are ignorant misinformed brats; others are very educated, informed, with high moral values. And just because your jealous is no reason to misuse the name of our town. Each family in this town has their ups and downs just as everyone else, many believe us to be stuck up brats. I suggest looking at yourself before you influence others to be prejudice for no reason. After all where you live does not define you.
look in the mirror... Dover, Ma
by Pen Pal March 2, 2009
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