1 definition by PaulTheShark

Derived from "Shawshank" (i.e. "The Shawshank Redemption"), shankshawing is the process of slowly chipping away at a person until the ultimate goal is achieved.

Said "goal" is usually the love/affection of a person who is already in a relationship. First you become their friend, their shoulder to lean on when times get tough with their partner, the person they share their secrets with - then when they suddenly become single, what do you know? You are now their #1 option. BAM - shankshaw'd.
- I think I want to date Billy.
- But he already has a girlfriend.
- Don't even worry about it...I'll start shankshawing now, and in about 6 months, he'll be mine.
by PaulTheShark May 11, 2011
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