1 definition by PapaJoJoe

When a cheeky fuck sticks their finger into their anus, and then wipes their foul appendage across another person's nose. The result is the victim smelling the scent of ass for quite a while.

a.k.a. the foul appendage
Someone is staring off into the distance, captivated by some object or their own imagination, while unexpectedly a friend or foe comes from behind with their stinky finger and swipes it firmly under the nostrils of the unsuspecting victim. At first the victim is unaware, for it takes time for such a pungent odor to be accepted by one's senses, but then with a sudden rush the victim is plagued with the stench of poop. The scent is inescapable. Hence, one more casualty of the ButterFinger.
by PapaJoJoe May 17, 2008
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