10 definitions by P-Biddy

MBA Catch Phrase Bingo - A series of canned phrases, used by bosses to deflect questions and sound smarter than everyone. Done properly it’s like a magic trick that confuses the masses into thinking the boss answered the question when he didn’t.
Carl: Hey Kyle, Did Lance explain what’s going on with the layoffs during the staff meeting?

Kyle: I asked him and he wouldn’t answer it directly. He decided to play MBA catch phrase bingo with us instead.

He said, “At the end of the day”, “right-size it” and something about “squaring the circle.” No one knows what the fuck just happened in there.
by P-Biddy December 22, 2018
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A foot aficionado is the most discerning type of foot fetishists. While a foot fetishist likes many types of feet from cheesy to ashy, the afficinado has an affinity for a specific type of foot, usually older, pampered, Italian, mom feet.
Dude, While you were looking for bikini bottoms to sniff in the bathroom, I fell in love with the sight of that Mom’s perfect feet. Her toe cleavage in that sandal was better than ass crack to me. You know, nothing creepy though.

Ginger Bro: You’re a foot aficionado. That’s sick. Get help.
by P-Biddy March 17, 2019
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A gluten-free friend is a friend that sabotages every meal out with their bullshit. If a gluten-free friend senses people are having fun, they instantly become shit crippled, and ask if what they’re consuming has gluten.
We were having a great night last night when Justin got the bubble gut, and started yelling that his free range tofu had gluten in it. He totally fucked up the night; I’m putting him on the list of gluten-free friends.
by P-Biddy July 11, 2018
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