5 definitions by Owen Is Such A Idiot Lol

∂ cool symbol showing yin yang and that the person using it is able to use better tech. Now accept it or I will call you an ∂ß (that means ass)
I am so 〄 right now.
by Owen Is Such A Idiot Lol October 11, 2020
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Oh, its just a trash joke that's more like a riddle.

It came from a few die-hard movies hidden in the movies.
Why did nobody give Elsa a balloon? Because she was gonna let it go!

That's a nanny joke

by Owen Is Such A Idiot Lol September 26, 2020
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Oh, its just a trash joke that's more like a riddle.

It came from a few die-hard movies hidden in the movies.
Why did nobody give Elsa a balloon? Because she was gonna let it go!

That's a nanny joke

by Owen Is Such A Idiot Lol September 26, 2020
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