2 definitions by OpusAtrum

Fucking Entertaining Big Lie. Origins: probable first publication was by David Galbraith, Scottish-born, New York based web-journalist (among other professions), on his video-blog Smashingtelly.com. Acronym was used as a category and the "FEBL Hall of Fame." The phrase describes certain ideas, concepts, organizations, etc., that involve lots of exaggerated claims or grandstanding that otherwise have no basis in reality. The implication is that proponents know it's a lie, but can also be used in cases of pure ignorance. The acronym is pronounced like the word "feeble," giving it a double meaning, as feeble, by definition, is something that's unconvincing or weak.
Joining the FEBL Hall of Fame, today, we have Primal Therapy, Intelligent Design, and Gary Null's anti-vaccination propaganda.
by OpusAtrum October 29, 2008
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Colloquial term for a dude who's always trying to sneak in his girls' backdoor, or one showing up after a night with that extra-kinky girl down the way.
Dude A: Well, if it isn't Poopy Dickens walkin' through the door at 5 a.m.!

Dude B: Fu*k off, McCheese. I had to get outta yer Mom's bed 'fore yerr Dad got back from the night-shift.
by OpusAtrum July 13, 2008
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