1 definition by OnMyKneesLayla

"Fear of Truth"

1. Displaying hesitation or refusal to admit or recognize that something is true, or to accept the concept of truth itself. Usually born out of fear of offending someone or being held accountable to something constant.

2. Dismissal of the existance of absolutes.

3. Degradation of people who profess something as true or untrue.

4. Being willfully in denial. Gives rise to constant skepticism and doubt of everything.
Girlfriend: "Rob may physically and verbally abuse me, but I deserve it. And he may have cheated on me five times, but he said he'd never do it again. I know that he loves me..." Best Friend: "When are you going to wake up from this veritaphobia and dump him? You've got to realize that he's an asshole!"

Philosopher: "Truth is relative. Reality is whatever you want to make it." Person with common sense: "Stop being such a veritaphobe. Have a little conviction and stand up for something."

Teacher: "Timmy didn't really answer this question correctly, but who am I to judge what is or isn't right. I can't condemn his perspective of things. I might hurt his feelings." Other Teacher: "Are you kidding me? 2+2 does not equal 5, no matter how the boy feels about it! You're being veritaphobic."
by OnMyKneesLayla October 21, 2010
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