2 definitions by Oldman Lincoln

Also known as BMW, Bring My Wallet is a coined termed for BMW drivers. They must Bring Their Wallet everywhere they go, because they will never know when their BMW will break down.

See BMW.
Jeff: "before we go, I have to Bring My Wallet. In cease the BMW breaks down again"

Jimmy: "Ya I agree. I don't have any tow coverage so good idea"
by Oldman Lincoln August 2, 2018
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"Break My Wallet" is a German motor vehicle manufacturer known well for its overpriced products, and prodigious unreliability. One must bring their wallet everywhere they go, for sudden breakdowns can happen at any moment.
Break My Wallet (BMW) are also well known for having a cult-like following of drivers who swear by this company's performance, despite having no major records for: 0-60 times, Quartermile run, Top Speed, and Nurburgring track.
BMW Drivers will also attempt to stage a race in their favor; i.e. racing 0-60, the only thing a Turbo Inline 6 can do.

Break My Wallet drivers generally think they're better than everyone else, and are the most hated drivers on the road.
But if Reliant Robin can have a following, then why not BMW? At least Reliant Robin's are more reliable.
Johnny: "Hey guys, check out my ///M3. So much better than Brads Mustang. BMW is the best."

Everyone else "Did you Break Your Wallet on repairs yet?"
by Oldman Lincoln August 2, 2018
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