2 definitions by Oi mate, I’m out of peanuts :(

A person who likes to have sex but does not experience it as something intimate. They do not understand the concept of sex with intimacy, when they have sex, it’s just sex without an emotional connection. They can have an emotional connection to the person they are having sex with, but does not see sex as something that would define a part as the relationship. They simply do not understand what sex has to do in a relationship, they do not define sex as something intimate.
“What do you mean she’s a Qwaffet? The hell is that?”

“It means she doesn’t see sex as something intimate.”
“What? Isn’t that asexual?”
“She 100% likes sex, but she wouldn’t define it as something intimate. To her sex is just a form of pleasure, nothing more.”

“I still don’t get it”
Me neither, mate”
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A combinantion between cute and adorable.
“Wow, your cat’s so cutdorable!”
Your cat, it’s cute-adorable”
Oh lol, thanks”
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