22 definitions by Oh Shit I'm Dead

Best underwear ever. Like government, underwear's sole purpose sould be to protect the people without taking away too much of their freedom. Boxers serve this purpose greatly. They prevent the chafin of the genitals while letiing the balls go free.

Look better on women than men? Not really. Well, I guess they do, because women are women and men are men and I'm not attratced to men, so yeah. As for them being the only type of men's underwear that look better on women than men, hell no. Of course, it would be disturbing to see a chick in boxer briefs with the crotch holder hanging out, but I'd much rather see a chick in men's briefs than boxers.
Boxers seperate the men from the boys.
by Oh Shit I'm Dead January 29, 2005
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