1 definition by Oel

A Honger is typically a person from Hong Kong of approximately 50-100 lbs in weight who wears odd color clothing such as bright blue, pink or orange. A Honger will also feel the need to buy a new 500$ cell phone every month and to drive a POS car (usually a civic or other lower model import) with thousands of dollars of useless modifications i.e. a huge spoiler which literally does nothing to add to the performance of the automobile. A Honger will also tend to end sentences with words such as "lah" or "ah" making coherent dialogue difficult if not altogether impossible. Finally, the typical honger will feel that the combination of the attributes listed above makes them cool and hence will act in a rude, cocky and altogether obnoxious manner.
The guy that took three hours to park his puke color Honda Civic turned out to be a honger.
by Oel September 4, 2003
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