2 definitions by OU Bopper

A female who promiscuously and habitually creeps on a select social group, choosing and taking home a different member of the group for sexual activity every night. Known to chose a male each night and latch on to this "chosen one" until culmination in sexual intercourse. At first meeting, will seem innocent, but after a night of "bopping" her true identity as a life sucker is well known to her victims.
Dude, so I see that (insert name here) is with the Bopper tonight... I thought he was better than that, desperate times...
by OU Bopper March 9, 2008
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A female who promiscuously and habitually creeps on a select social group, choosing and taking home a different member of the group for sexual activity every night. Known to chose a male each night and latch on to this "chosen one" until culmination in sexual intercourse. At first meeting, will seem innocent, but after a night of "bopping" her true identity as a life sucker is well known to her victims.
Dude, so I see that (insert name here) is with the Bopper tonight... I thought he was better than that, desperate times...
by OU Bopper March 9, 2008
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