2 definitions by Nuttin but reality

What a Hedge Fund turns into when the stocks theyve shorted get squeezed, forcing them to buy the stock back at much higher prices, often losing the billions and more they took from people by shorting the stock in the first place
Damn man.....that Hedge Fund that shorted that stock turned into a Wedgie Fund when they were forced to cover their shares they sold short. The Hedge Fund manager must feel like he's got a massive wedgie up his ass crack.
by Nuttin but reality January 27, 2021
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Some vague ass acronym that could stand for several things. It typically stands for Black Lives Matter, but can also stand for Biden Likes Minors, Bitches Love Meat, or even Black Labs Matter.
Hey bro BLM!!!
Yeah bro Biden has shown an affinity for minors.
No bro Black Lives Matter!!!
Well bro Im white....are you saying my life doesn't matter?
Bro all Im saying is Black Lives Matter!!
Man get the hell out of here with this victimization bullshit....ALL LIVES MATTER!
by Nuttin but reality December 24, 2020
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