2 definitions by Nurseahmad

Down to earth, humble, and really kind. Her smile will make you think about her for days. She's reserved and thinks highly of herself as well as respects herself. She puts all she's got into whatever she does. She's really intelligent and this is reflected by not only her spectacular school grades but also her smart life choices. Everyone wants....needs an intishar in their life. She'll brighten your life. You'll always want to wake up to her beautiful smile.
Crazy and seems mental at times but in a good way. Not everyone gets a chance to see this side of her. If you do, consider yourself blessed.
Omg, look at her smile !!!!. She's such an intishar.
by Nurseahmad November 23, 2021
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A one of a kind girl that will have you think about her for days! She is a loyal, humble woman with a high level of respect for herself. You’ll love being around her and will cherish her! She loves interaction and social people and has a beauty that you’ll be amazed of! A smart woman that stands her ground and makes smart life choices. Great in advice and down to earth. A unique woman just like her name. One that you don’t want to lose.
Look at her she is so beautiful she reminds me of an intishar !
by Nurseahmad November 23, 2021
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