2 definitions by Numbah1 WithishBitch

A word of numerous meanings.

A. A bra with the nipples cut out

B. A nipple piercing.

C. A wig worn on someones head, that is titty shaped.

D. The blowing and/or licking on someones titty to stimulate the nipple.
A. Lauren was wearing a tittywig.

B. Mary took off her top, revealing her newly pierced tittywig.

C. Our teacher Mr. Fredkins' hair looks like he's wearing a tittywig.

D. When Greg gave a titty wig to Ashley, she moaned with pleasure.
by Numbah1 WithishBitch October 10, 2004
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Originally posted by an illiterate user on Adult Swim.com

Once this phrase was used in an adult swim black/white card on TV, it has been plastered every where
Anime iz teh su ck!!!1111!1111
by Numbah1 WithishBitch October 10, 2004
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