3 definitions by NowInCrapyKangarooYesternight

The "OC Plebs" is a group of editors who make memes on Instagram. The memes that they make are relevant to the up to the current "Meme Culture." These editors are usually not openly personal about their life but do share bits and pieces. The page in.oma is run by a high school student in Sherman Oaks California who is the Owner of his clothing line called "Sherman Clothing" He openly links his account and talks about new clothing that is released. Along with that some of the other pages are owners of Discord servers which are a community filled with memes and inspirations for them. The OC Plebs are mostly High School and college students if not older. These individuals enjoy memes, making them, and a good laugh. The Pages all work together and do "Collabs" which are memes they work together on. The Pages also have a Group Chat which they infamously put screenshots of on their Instagram story.
All OC Merchants: Man I wish I was cool enough or good enough to be in the OC Plebs
Fr1ck.mp4 and ill.4pm: Shut up nigga
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Someone who is super gae
'MAN she is good at yoga, she must be a Scarlett'
by NowInCrapyKangarooYesternight September 19, 2018
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OC Merchants: let's do Chinese nigga sex
fr1ck.mp4: depends high effort memes usually take 8 hours, normal ones take about 1 all I need is the idea and im off
Entire Ironic Community: aha
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