1 definition by Now You Know


To firmly grasp the base of the male genitalia in an effort to force blood to the head of the penis.

A strategy usually enacted in an effort to briefly simulate an erection when achieving an erection in a natural way is otherwise impossible.

A strategy used to counteract 'whiskey dick' and avoid impotence at all costs.

Prevalently used in pre-intercourse situations in an effort to 'seal the deal'.
After saki bombing for hours I was so wasted I had to use the monkeychoke to penetrate Lisa.

Bro 1: You and Stacy were so fucked up last night, Did you guys hook up?

Bro 2: Yea dogg, the monkeychoke came through in the clutch (pun intended).... Thank God for the monkeychoke...
by Now You Know June 21, 2011
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