1 definition by NotYourMommy

When writers steal the work of authors and re-create them as their own, but never comes close to the original. Good writers are nearly impossible to find amongst the millions of horrible piles of trashy writing, and even then, never do what the true author would have done. So ultimately it ends up being a waste of time. Everyone tries to convince themselves that fanfiction is okay, but mostly they're just being selfish pricks with no regards to the authors who have to deal with their horrible renditions contaminating the internet. Fanfiction authors do not realize changing a character's sexual orientation is flat out wrong and is akin to changing a character's race because you thought they'd be a cuter couple if they were both white instead. Even gay activists find the gay-twist to be insulting and idiotic. The only type of legal copyright infringement.
Fanfiction writer: i want to screw up a really good story-line with amazing characters, but I want them to all be gay
Reader: go for it! I'll lose interest once I realize how bad your writing is anyways.
by NotYourMommy December 24, 2015
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