1 definition by NotConnorAndHappyBirthdayShanu

Shanuk Wickremaratchy

Shanuk Wickremaratchy is brown child who isn’t very tall and nobody can pronounce his last name.
He has many friends. He is also very smart that is why he repeated 2 years of school, because in his words ‘I just felt like’. He is also incredibly athletic being able to do a back flip but no one has seen him do it but we all know he can. Whenever you see a wild Shanuk he doesn’t you can’t greet him with a hello he speaks the rare language of lamborghini or Shanukanese. The proper way to great a Shanuk is with happy birthday and after you great him with happy birthday you have to sing the happy birthday song to him. This means I love you, you sexy beast in Lamborghin or Shanukanese. Shanuks can also be cookie as their nickname. A racial slur to Shanuks is ‘sag brain’ meaning in his language ‘I don’t like you’
Shanuk Wickremaratchy is a sexy beast and can do a back flip. Also happy birthday shanuk.
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