9 definitions by Not Your Local Drug Dealer

A. What you say when you say/do something embarrassing in public.
B. Something you say because you actually want to die and it's a signal for help but everyone think it's a joke
A. Random Guy: waves

Me: waves back and then realises it wasn't for me
Also me: end my misery
B. Me: end my misery
Everyone else: lol
Me: tHaNkS fOr ThE eMoTiOnAl SuPpOrT
by Not Your Local Drug Dealer December 7, 2020
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Originating from Australia. Aussies can swear, say g'day m8, ride motorcycles regardless of age and call their dog Rover even if it isn't called that
"G'day, mate! Lovely day to throw some shrimp on the barbie, eh?"
"Why do you speak like that?"
"'Cause I'm Aussie, ya fuckin' cunt!"
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