2 definitions by Not a real doctor

Pain one experiences upon reaching a growth spurt normally immediately following or sometimes preceding one (varies person to person) normally does not occur while you have the actual growth spurt. The pain experienced is not felt in your bones rather it is in your muscles and tendons as they stretch to keep a proper length in proportion to the length of the bone. Primarily one will feel the pain in his/her legs but it is not out of the ordinary to experience the muscle pain in your arms as well. Typically you will experience growing pains between ages of 3 or 4 to about 18, again this varies from person to person depending on when puberty hits and how tall they are predicted to grow. Some individuals may never experience growing pains. If the pain is other than muscle pain and is felt in the bone you may have splints, or possibly a hairline bone fracture. Or if it is in the muscle and does not pass within a day or two you may have tendinitis.
splints , tendinitis , Growing Pains , Growth Pain
by Not a real doctor May 19, 2009
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To put ones penis down the barrel of a sniper rifle and then later eat ones own poop
Man did you hear that guy died of to much dirty sniper
by Not a real doctor March 1, 2021
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