2 definitions by Not a dumba$$

"Spam Jumping" is a term used by angry noobs and 10 year olds in Murder Mystery 2 on Roblox. Apparently, if you jump more than 3 times, you're SpAm JuMpEr and should be banned from the game forever. Remember, kids, you're not allowed to use any technique in Murder Mystery 2, or you'll piss a little kid off.
poopystinkyfart56234 (Level 18): "u nob u r just a spam jumper lol u not good at this game u nob lololol"

WwwxxxDfDg (Level 60): "Yes, I'M the noob."
by Not a dumba$$ July 21, 2022
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It's simple; pros in Murder Mystery 2 (MM2) on Roblox. They range from 11-21 in age. MM2 pros commonly wear the stitch face and use the zombie animation, and the girls have boxy legs. They more than likely have the elite game pass and 10+ godlies, in which they don't use more than half of them; they're just there to make them look good on their nametag with the I, II, III, IIII, X, and IX. Oh, and they also blast LOUD trash ass rap on their radios.
I hate MM2 pros. They're toxic and annoying.
by Not a dumba$$ July 18, 2022
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