1 definition by Nojuan_Especial

Portmanteau of "guy" and "astrology".

A term for the "male personality types" ideology/belief. Much like Astrology or MBTI, the science or psychology behind the (at the time of writing) six types of guy (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega, Delta & Sigma) are shaky at best and non-existent at worst.

Not useful towards anything but copium, and grindset for insecure men (though, sometimes women as well, this is much more rare), it is often heavily defended by its proponents, who use circular logic and claims of social and sexual prowess/positive results and little else to defend it. Usually beginning and ending with claiming that the person who disagrees is one of the "types" that are beneath them (which, in their eyes is all types, because they're all Alphas, of course.)
Guy: Dude, I don't know why that female turned me down! I'm a prime Alpha, and I even told her so.

Dude: Maybe if you didn't buy into that Guystrology crap, and just acted like a normal person, women would be more receptive?

Guy: Exactly what a Beta would say.

Dude: A "beta" who actually gets dates.
by Nojuan_Especial August 7, 2021
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