1 definition by Noah of LA

Louisiana has some of the nicest people I've ever seen. I'm from North Louisiana and I've traveled alot. I'm used to waving to people and getting a wave back, only in Louisiana. That's southern generosity for you :) Nothing like nice Southern people with funny accents. So if your visiting Louisiana, don't be afraid to wave to us, We'll wave right back and problaby strike up a conversation with you that consists of more knowledge about our personal lives than you ever wanted to know.
Northerner: *wave
Louisianian: *wave, How are you today?
N: Very well
L: well me too! Are you hungry? Im makin some dinner if you'd like to eat with us tonight!
N: *so taken aback, his head explodes

Thats that southern Generosity from Louisiana for you!
by Noah of LA July 25, 2006
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