3 definitions by Nnotbad

A woman standing over an alarm clock primed for 3:00AM while giving a blowjob and either cums or pisses on the alarm clock before the alarm goes off
"yo, once we went to my place we tried doin a " dirty alarm clock."
by Nnotbad March 30, 2022
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After finishing destroying a whore, they go on the roof, shit, and yell, "hey i fucked someone who's married!" Then realize who high they were after writing a definition for dirty roof.
Kay: who wrote this definition for dirty roof?
Nnotbad: not me
Jay: someone has done a dirty roof to me!
Kay: wtf
by Nnotbad March 30, 2022
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1. When the door shuts on its own in your face

2. The door is on fire

3. The door falls on you

4. You and your partner get pegged by the door handles
1. "The door just did me dirty, stupid dirty door"

2. " I kid you not, its a dirty door."

3. " I dont know why, but the dirty door fell on me"

4. "I got so drunk i did a dirty door with my ex"
by Nnotbad March 30, 2022
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