3 definitions by NinjaTheWiz

Someone who is well known as a bad and harmful person. It is someone who constantly rude and says disrespectful things.
I hate people who are blooifys!
by NinjaTheWiz December 4, 2017
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A brown boy who thinks he's good. They are extremely racist, and rude to everyone. They are the type of people to play fortnite and be in one of those clickbait youtube videos. Along with this Vinit's are usually very short, and untalented and stupid.
Dude, Vinit's are so wack!!!!
by NinjaTheWiz December 12, 2018
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A brown boy who thinks he's good. They are extremely racist, and rude to everyone. They are the type of people to play fortnite and be in one of those clickbait youtube videos. Along with this Vinit's are usually very short, and untalented and stupid.
Dude, Vinit's are so wack!!!!
by NinjaTheWiz December 12, 2018
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