3 definitions by Ninja Mook

To shit on your girl or hoe's chest while spinning in a circle. The when the poo is curly you cut your pubes and put the shavings on top for sprinkles and then ejaculate on top for the icing =Chocolate Twisty with Sprinkles and Icing!
Damn that hoe ate my Chocolate Twisty with Sprinkles and Icing.
by Ninja Mook July 22, 2009
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a homo vampire that makes your penis erect and then suck's the blood from your dick.
damn that fangtasia place is full of Gampires
by Ninja Mook August 7, 2009
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A huge big fat ass mo fucker that everyone hates except for mcdonalds because he's there number one customer.

If-weather or not he is a faggot
Fun-you get the point
nicker- add an f and a u and remove the n and i and you get FUCKER.
Damn, that monkey is a Titanifunicker.
by Ninja Mook July 22, 2009
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