2 definitions by Nicky D.

I had never heard this word untill someone called Mark Delucas a Chauncy and i have found out some iformation on it so here is the definition:

1. Someone who is very rude.

2. Someone who changes their personality around differnt people.

3. Someone named Mark Delucas.
1. Sir, you are a fucking chauncy.
2. Mark Delucas is the biggest chauncy alive.
by Nicky D. June 22, 2004
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Phoenix Angel who wields the legendary Hellkaraxe, he is the undisputed master of sheer brute force and muscle. Also, since he evolved by means of Phazon energy, the fire of his wings is blue, not red-orange-n-yellow
by Nicky D. March 12, 2004
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