4 definitions by Nick_ZA

The anxious feeling when your car keeps breaking down. Lack of confidence in a reliable car.
Dude, just got to work, not feeling very carfident.
by Nick_ZA October 5, 2011
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A loud hooting cry of exultation or excitement (whoop whoop), followed by immediate dissapointment (fuck).
WHOOP WHOOP!! youl owe me 100bucks!! no wait I still owe you your 300... fuck.. ok so you keep it all and I still owe you R200... Whoop Fuck
by Nick_ZA January 8, 2010
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A wifi high-five (wireless) - the upgrade to the bluetooth high five
That's awesome bro!! WiFive!!!
by Nick_ZA October 17, 2011
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To Windowfy and Apple Mac Product
Hey dude, that guy totally yashed that guys mac!
by Nick_ZA May 22, 2015
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