2 definitions by Nick1099

1.To be a blond stripper or hooker tht looks like a 6th grader that is hired for wealthy japanese men. Though normally he is not welthy he enough his profession none the less

2. a Tiemen can also be a fat child that comes out of the vagina covered in jelly
Hey can i get a tiemen to entertain my japanese friend over here?
by Nick1099 February 8, 2008
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1.To be a blond stripper or hooker tht looks like a 6th grader that is hired for wealthy japanese men. Though normally he is not wealthy he loves his profession none the less

2. a Tiemen can also be a fat child that comes out of the vagina covered in jelly
Can you get a tiemen over here for my japanese friend?
by Nick1099 February 11, 2008
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