1 definition by NewmannerExtraordinaire


Deliberately misunderstanding an interlocutor, in bad faith, with the intention of mischaracterizing said interlocutor’s position in order to morally impugn her/him


Misrepresenting a given position of an interlocutor and committing her/him more to bizarre and/or morally reprehensible ones.

(Esp. if the given position is a descriptive one, and it is misrepresented as a prescriptive one)

After an interlocutor has taken a given position (as indicated by an action, set of actions, part of a statement, a statement, and/or a set of statements), prefacing with an indicator that the following mischaracterization is in fact an accurate representation of the position (e.g. "so, what you're saying is..."), and them misrepresenting the position, esp. when a neutral descriptive position is misrepresented as a bizarre and/or reprehensible prescriptive position.



Related terms:
Straw-man Strawman Strawmanning Straw-manning Mischaracterization Mischaracterizing Misrepresentation Misrepresenting Logical fallacy Logical fallacies Sophistry Lies Lying Pilpul Jordan Peterson SJW Frame Ideologue
"So you're saying"
*Bad faith misunderstanding*
"in your research,women are unhappy"
"dominating men"
*morally impugning(J's SexRel descriptions as vulgar D/s prescriptions)*


Here:a pic of you with a Pepe flag;Pepe is called a hate symbol by the Left
You're a.deliberately misunderstanding what Pepe is & what it stands for,b.mischaracterizing me as shamefully complicit in,or ignorant of what what you think Pepe really means&overstating the judgement of the Left;&c.morally impugning me implying I support hate:ergo Newmanning


Anti-"Chain Migrant"(CM) Conservatives want to remove from Americans the right to sponsor family
The more American your family is,the less you possess "right" to sponsor CM.There's a net negative impact from a "right" to sponsor CM, including nepotism.
So,your concept of 'real' Americans is those who aren't immigrants or their families.Only Natives apply.Racist

Think before castigating.If you're a US citizen but your family members aren't,you get to sponsor them as CM.If they're Americans,however,you don't have any privilege to sponsor CM. When you say"So,your concept of",it's to preface a deliberate bad-faith misunderstanding,equivalent to"what you're saying is"; when you say"your concept of 'real' Americans is those who aren't immigrants or their families.Only Natives apply",it's mischaracterizing my position; when you say"Racist", it's to morally impugn me:you Newmanner
by NewmannerExtraordinaire February 7, 2018
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