2 definitions by Nephy.B

Nephiteri is a really beautiful girl, who everyone loves. She is so fun to be around, and she brightens up everyone's day.
Nephiteri is so kind and generous, and she is so loving towards her best friends. Nephiteri can be really dramatic, and she will lose her temper when someone makes her angry. But overall, she is a beautiful loving girl.
Do you know that girl over there?
Yeah her name is Nephiteri. I heard she is the best person to be friends with.
by Nephy.B August 25, 2020
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Taylah is a beautiful and generous girl, with a big heart. She can be quite sensitive, and shy at times, but when she is around her friends, she is the best person ever. Taylah makes everyone's day better, than it was before. She is loving and she cares about everyone. Anyone who has her as a friend, is the luckiest person in the world. She respects her boyfriend all the time, and she is someone that you can trust. Taylah is a person that accepts you for who you are, and never doubts you. Once you meet a Taylah in your life, always be her friend, because she will always be there for you when you need her.
person1. Do you see that girl over there.
Person 2. Yeah that's Taylah, She is like the best person I've ever met.
by Nephy.B August 25, 2020
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