2 definitions by Neil Cicierega

The act of shamelessly pleasuring ones self in the bathroom at your place of employment. If you’re good enough for a stall you’re too good to be Crumpin Off
“Did you hear dean was Crumpin Off?”

Yeah dude was beating his dick at the urinal.”
by Neil Cicierega August 11, 2018
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Pleasuring ones self shamelessly in the bathroom at your place of employment. If you’re good enough to blow your load in a stall you’re not Crumpin Off. This act of self degradation is exclusively preformed at a urinal for the world to see.
“Dude did you hear was Dean jackin the beanstalk in the bathroom?”

“Yeah man, he was beatin that dick like it owed him money. Dude was straight Crumpin Off!”
by Neil Cicierega August 11, 2018
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