1 definition by Nat P.

n. ) short for snaggletooth ; it's an ugly bitch who thinks she is the hottest shit alive. Signs of knowing/being a snaggle include: the person talks shit about the same person they'll be hugging five minutes later, they change friends every weekend, they're overall ugly ..w/ bad taste in poofy hairstyles, and they raid the house for beer to fit in, even though they're not going to drink it.
if you see a person with these symptoms , RUN
She just asked me to save her some beer and a bogie.
Wtf ? What a snaggle, she doesn't even DO that shit.

Why is she hugging that girl? That snaggle was just talking shit about her.

Kay : Have you seen snaggle's hair today?! It's bigger than a beehive!
by Nat P. February 24, 2008
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