1 definition by NagisaOkazaki

A seemingly sweet girl but can really beat up anyone who screws with her friends. Often likes horses or sports such as field hockey, swimming, and occasionally thinks about what it would feel like to kill people. Probably knows a lot about the 40th president (name sake). She is nice to every one to their faces but secretly hates all of them. she surrounds herself in a tight circle of friends and would protect them with her life. Probably went through school with getting in trouble for violence. She was most likely bullied but it didn't last to long with her fiery personality and the ability to make people feel regret and shame. she is a great person to have around but unless you breach her close circle of friends you will never truly know her personality.
guy-hey you look dumb
Reagans friend- what ever
Reagan- the fuck did you say to her? apologize NOW
by NagisaOkazaki July 14, 2018
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