1 definition by NFTArtCritic


A state of mental instability or emotional strain caused by the fear of not making a sale. Often times, this word is used to describe liquidity chasers who race themselves to the floor in order to quickly sell a security, collectible, etc.; this is especially true if it is in times during a high sales volume.
NFTArtCritic: The sales volume is insane in this project! You need to buy in while the floor is still below .5 Eth.

Fomo Baggins: Don't you mean .3 Eth? There are now 43 listings below .3 Eth, the floor is .27 Eth.
NFTArtCritic: JESUS CHRIST! These filthy and highly casual, liquidity chasers have a horrible case of the FONSOs! If they would have just listed .1, .01, or .001 over the floor they would sell and walk away with more ETH and would only wait an extra 5-30 minutes to make a sale at the current volume being moved.

Fomo Baggins: Good thing for me though, cause now I'm going to Fomo in at a discounted rate!
by NFTArtCritic September 20, 2021
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