10 definitions by N00berson McGee

NOUN: A condition characterized by lack of the ability to sleep for prolonged periods of time, or otherwise extremely restless sleep. Often, insomniacs have trouble either falling asleep, staying asleep, or having a prolonged sleep cycle. If you're extremely unlucky, a combination of two or even all three of these characteristics can be present. Many (but not all) insomniacs tend to have underlying mental or emotional disorders that cause (or at least contribute to) the lack of sleep associated with insomnia.

Also, a pretty damn decent Stephen King novel, if you're into long reads.
Insomnia is the reason I'm writing this after 45 straight hours without sleep.

INSOMNIA (novel), however, is the reason I stopped reading books before bed.
by N00berson McGee February 21, 2013
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(N.) The state of being such a hardcore Republican/Conservative that one is at the G.O.P's complete bidding, whether or not they truly support the belief in question, as well as supporting/defending even the stupidest beliefs/statements of Conservative politicians.

Derived from the "Grand Old Party" (popularly shortened to G.O.P) and the term "pussy-whipped" (shortened to PW)
Person 1: "(Insert Conservative politician here) is right! Down with Obamerica! (Insert heavily Conservative statements here)"

Person 2: "Wow, (insert Person 1's name here) is totally G.O.P.W."
by N00berson McGee November 20, 2012
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The extremely competitive sport of seeing who can sit for the longest period of time. First official high school team created for this in early 2011 in Missouri.
by N00berson McGee July 12, 2011
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