2 definitions by Mush!e

Use in any context, means nothing and everything at the same time but has no solid meaning. Can be used on its own or anywhere in a sentence.
"Real bad as"

"She just had a big taste as, shes really going to be high and low as at the same time as"

"That guy was trying to flex his thick stainless steel chain as, but he couldn't even afford the thin silver one as"
by Mush!e January 17, 2021
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Can be used in any context, it means making progress or doing something for the purpose of self benefit.

No gains is the opposite to gains as and can be used accordingly eg. "I just totalled my brand new mercedes and got my suit dirty, No gains as!"
eg. "He just got that fresh pair of off white sneakers, thats gains as".

Or referring to muscle growth, "that fella just got out of the slammer, look at all of the gains as"
by Mush!e January 8, 2021
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