3 definitions by Mumma Jazz

When parents have twins it changes everything and it shakes their whole world like an earthquake,it becomes a twinquake.
“These amazing twins have shaken and changed our lives so much it's like a twinquake has hit our world”.

“The twins have torn up the house today, it looks like a twinquake has occurred in here.”
by Mumma Jazz August 13, 2017
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My husband is German and I said in passing you're being so dramatic and then I linked in that he was also a German. Then the term Germatic was born.
A dramatic German
“You're being so germatic”.
“You're a German and you're being dramatic, you're germatic”.
by Mumma Jazz August 4, 2017
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A German working efficiently or a person working efficiently like a German.
“That efficiant German person is a good example of gerfficiency”.
“I am a German who has great efficiency known specifically as gerfficiency”.
by Mumma Jazz August 4, 2017
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