1 definition by Ms.Tarred&Fheathered

An insult used for aspiring artists who conform to and imitate the "low brow" style of artwork often featured in Juxtapoz magazine.

A person who regurgitates the low brow art movement ungenuinly as a kitchy popculture fad.
"That Andrew guy is such a Juxtapozer. All he paints is graffiti letters and tattoo flash."

"Did you see Dana's new Ed Hardy boots she wore to the gallery opening yesterday? What a juxtapozer."

"Geoffrey crtiqued Suzie's artwork by saying, " It is difficult for me to tell your drawings apart from the other juxtapozers in this class. If you can afford art school it is clear you are not a street artist."
by Ms.Tarred&Fheathered March 6, 2009
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