1 definition by MrDerpyTurtle99

The hottest piece of man-meat ever to exist. An intellect sharp as a knife, and a wit to match. Blake is almost always right, which bothers people, but Blake then gently explains why it's okay that he's right, which calms them down. Women are naturally attracted to Blake, mainly because of their swimmer bodies, which consist of rocking abs, massive biceps, calves of iron, steel triceps, etc. People are jealous of Blake, because they are very fun to drink with, and an absolute god in bed. Easily described as extremely sexy, Blake has tight buns, and chiselled features that could score glass. Blake is friends with all the beautiful, gorgeous, popular, movie-star-type people. The sun shines out of Blake's anus, and makes everyone smile when Blake walks by. Blake is always more successful than everyone else in everything. It has been said that everything that has ever happened in history has been either the result of Blake, or happened to produce Blake. Having Blake for a friend is the best thing that could happen to anyone, Blake will light up the dark, he will make the ordinary extraordinary and the plain magnificent. In Blake's hands you will find trust and comfort, happiness, and joy. Everyone trusts Blake, and in turn Blake is always trustworthy. Blake is an aesthetically pleasing addition to any room, and brings a unique pleasing aroma into the room, not unlike a basket of roses after a mid-days shower. Blake is THE most amazing guy you will ever meet.

Hot Girl's (Non-gay) Man Friend: Yes he is, he is totally a Blake.
by MrDerpyTurtle99 May 30, 2015
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