1 definition by MrBeanHuggingJamesQuall

A Boppin' Bitch. Used as both an insult and in some cases as a term of endearment, a "boppin' bitch" will most likely be high maintenance and/or have a drug or alcohol problem. Regardless of this, your typical BB is considered more "boppin"(scatter-brained, opinionated, probably pretty, generally smart though at times making nonsensical decisions, etc.) than that of a bitch and many BB"s are actually very nice and generous people.
Girl: "I popped another 5-6 adderall earlier to help me study and now I'm gonna go get drunk again tonight!"

Boy: "Shut yo BB lookin' ass up, hoe"
by MrBeanHuggingJamesQuall December 20, 2012
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