1 definition by Mr. Mix.

A mutt, in a clique sense. They listen to all sorts of music, wear all sorts of clothes, do all sorts of activities. They have a trait from each popular clique, like prep, emo, , gangsta, scene, punk, goth all thrown into one. Mixers usually wear expensive clothes, but not from American Eagle or Abercrombie or Hollister. They usually dont buy clothes from Hot Topic or Urban outiffters also. Mixers buy clothes from Pure Denim, Nordstrom, places like that. They like necklaces. Girls buy clothes from the same places. There are very few, as teen society has been so split.
Guy: Dude look at that guys clothes...there sweet.
Girl:Yeah...they look expensive but not preppy.

Mixer: I'm gonna go shopping. I'll see you soon.
Prep: where ya going? American Eagle?
Mixer:Pure denim, bitch.
by Mr. Mix. March 1, 2008
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