1 definition by Mr. Gaga, yo.

The word "breakup" should never be used with marriage. A breakup is a bummer, a divorce is a tragedy.

Now, for a man, a breakup is usually the best decision you could ever make. Generally, leaving a girl you don't see yourself with is tough but ultimately awesome. And if she broke up with you, that's a drag but that's proof of her lack of good judgment. Ditch her.

For a woman, though, a breakup is one of the worst things that you could ever do. For any man to tie himself down to a woman at all in this culture is an incredible thing - you don't know what you're missing. Ladies, if you were the one broken up with, sorry - Jesus is the only man you can count on to never leave you, all the rest can be flakes.

Worth saying - if you're not a man or woman, but rather a boy or a girl, get over it. You're too young to care about breakups.

And yes I'm still bitter. Of course.
When Jill dumped James, James was sad because he actually cared about her. But the breakup ended up being the best thing for him - he found Sarah, she realized the treasure he is, and they got hitched soon after. However, old Jill floated around from boy to boy but never found true love again and eventually died lonely, childless, and hopeless.
by Mr. Gaga, yo. September 2, 2010
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