3 definitions by Mr. Loquacity

The "big data" social networking companies that attract users and then mine their data
Today's datenkraken do not drag mariners into the deep, but they have tentacles that reach around the world,
by Mr. Loquacity June 18, 2015
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Proceeding with orders received. Used in Stingray, the TV series as an acknowledgment to instructions in a military context. The letters are pronounced.

Pee Double Yew Oh Ar
Commander Shore: Captain Tempest, stop that and once and go an clean the heads!
Troy Tempest: PWOR.
by Mr. Loquacity March 20, 2008
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Fuck me your so cool.... when confronted with awesome coolness
Bowen199.... fmysc... you know naff all about the BFG but you know what KLOL means
by Mr. Loquacity November 16, 2010
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