1 definition by Mr. John Cheese the Awesome

A skinhead originally meant a person (chiefly in the United Kingdom) who was of a working-class or urban background who listened to rock, reggae, and other forms of such music. Skinheads were not of one ethnicity, but many. In fact, there were many Black British skinheads. Most skinheads were not racist. This also spread to other parts of the globe.

Then, around the 1970s and 80s, white supremacists and Nazis began to shave their heads. This began in the UK, where movements such as the British Movement and National Party began gaining popularity. This eventually spread to other countries. This completely changed "skinhead". Now, skinhead is often associated with white power movements.

Today, some of the "original" skinheads often try to distinguish themselves from racists. In fact, some have created groups to fight against racism. One notable group is Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP). Both types of skinheads may often fight with each other due to opposing rallies by "original" skinheads.
Mark considers himself a skinhead. He listens to 60s reggae and other such music. He is not in any way racist.
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