2 definitions by Moyse Trap

(n) a type of 'game', as in means of attracting the opposite sex, usually perpetrated by men, in which they act as if they have 'no game' in order to dupe women into dating them for the sole purpose of gaining their trust. Once this is achieved, the actual 'game' is implemented.
She thought she had finally met a nice guy, but it turns out he was just running the no game game on her.
by Moyse Trap May 16, 2008
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(n) a type of game, as in means of attracting the opposite sex, usually perpetrated by men, in which they act as if they have no game in order to dupe women into dating them for the sole purpose of gaining their trust. Once this is achieved, the actual game is implemented.
She thought she had finally met a nice guy, but it turns out he was just running the no game game on her.
by Moyse Trap May 16, 2008
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